Strengthening of VWSCs
Strengthening of Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs) is one of the key activity in the project, VWSC is the subcommittee to the Gram Panchayat to give suggestions and taken up activities on WASH activities in the villages, the VWSCs are formed as per the guidelines of National Health Mission (NHM – Previously it was named as NRHM), we strengthen the committees on roles, responsibilities and rights, enhance the knowledge of the members, trained them on lobbying and advocacy initiatives and habituating them to advocating on WASH issues with Government Departments, these VWSCs are responded on repairs of water sources, water testing, cleaning and chlorination of water sources, construction of IHHLs, door to door collection of garbage, conduct awareness campaigns in the villages on WASH, monitoring school sanitation along with School Management Committee Members, suggest the GP to implement all activities related to WASH.