Ms Lakshmi Kumari, Founder member, Executive Secretary to Mahila Maragadarashi, started her carrier as an NGO employee at many esteemed organizations in Andhra Pradesh and acquired experience in resolving various issues of community. She worked as a Field Officer in a NGO for Healthy Highways Project for Truckers supported by DFID and APSACS, Worked as a Project Officer in a Chennai based organization working in Andhra Pradesh and worked as a Project In-charge for a Urban Health project supported by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. She had undergone many capacity building programmes across national and international levels. Participated in many studies on burning issues such as HIV & AIDS, Migration, Trafficking, Child Labour, protection of Girl Child and Women Rights, Single Women issues etc.,
Ms. Lakshmi Kumari initiated Mahila Margadarshi in 1998 with 18 women from marginalized communities who struggling for living and having zeal to providing services to the needy. She got “out-standing youth” award in the year 1998,
She worked as a Convenor for Andhra Pradesh Women’s Network in the year 2008-2009 which is working in 18 Districts in Andhra Pradesh with 23 women headed NGOs, working on Stop Violence against Women, Domestic Violence and women issues in the state Andhra Pradesh, now, she continued as a member for Core team for APWN
Ms Lakshmi Kumari is a member in District Dowry Harassment Committee under the chairmanship of the District Collector, She worked as a District Member for Juvenile Justice Board constituted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the period 2008-2011.